The Artist In The Window

Everyone who visits our new gallery will leave remembering our unique and most popular feature … ‘The Artist In The Window’.

Here our artists will talk to our visitors and reveal their favourite techniques. They will pass on tips to help you get started. 

You can even paint yourself on a canvas for the first time. 

If you are an artist interested in promoting your artwork by spending time painting for the public in our gallery window, let me know and I will make it happen. 

We want our visitors to be inspired to pick up a paintbrush and ask themselves the question … ‘I wonder if I could do that?’

Visitors to our gallery will be encouraged to take up art and begin their artistic journey.

You will be amazed by what you can achieve. I certainly was, my improvement has filled me with pride.

Discovery the wonderful world of art at the new COME VIEW MY ART GALLERY.

Come View My Art Gallery- Artist In The Window
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